Our Services
We provide your loved ones the best training out there so they are empowered to face the world with courage and confidence.
Meet Your Needs!
The trainings which empowers you to
face the world!

Normal Schooling educations

- Basic Education
- General Knowledge
- Basic Calculation
- Money & Time Concept
- Buying and Selling Concept
- Technology learning
- Vocational Activities

Computer Training
We provide on-line or on-site training services for students. Workshops are also conducted for students to try their hands on the assistive technologies.

- Self-Grooming
- Etiquette
- Mobility
- Self-Earning
- Customized and individualized plans based on individual’s requirement and ability

NIOS Coaching
Providing tutoring assistance based on special needs for clearance

- ccupational therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Adaptive Daily Living
- Life Skils

Employment Oriented Activities
- Personality Development
- English Proficiency
- Self-Confidence Development
- Preparation for Interview
- Corporate culture skills.

Institutional Training and Assessment Services
We provide on-site and on-line training services to institutions. Our services include training on Assistive Technologies, Accessible Design, Universal Design, accessibility of documents and assessments for the same.

Digital Book Conversions
- Tagged PDF
- Audio
- E-Book
- Electronic Braille
- Tactile Diagrams

Extra-Curricular activities
- Dance
- Drawing/Painting
- Music
- Tailoring
- And many more

Services for Senior Citizens
We provide library facility for senior citizens to come and use our technologies for doing their own work. We also teach them any technology that they want to learn, for example: Computer, Phone, tablet etc.