Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders

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Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders

Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders

Topic: Painting Event Without Pen, Pencil, Borders
Place: Ahmedabad

We are thrilled to look back on a remarkable event held in July 2016, which was a memorable occasion for everyone involved.

A heartfelt thank you to Shefali Raj Shah for dedicating her time and effort to our Unique Children Club. Traveling all the way from Mumbai, Shefali provided an unforgettable experience for the children, demonstrating that creativity requires no conventional tools like pens or pencils, nor boundaries, knowledge, passion, or even physical abilities. It simply requires a positive attitude and the confidence to embrace one’s abilities.

The children expressed their creativity magnificently, with minimal to no assistance, resulting in a display of unique artistic expressions. Each participant was recognized as a winner and received a participation certificate. Special congratulations to the top five achievers who were honored with a trophy alongside their certificates:

1. Jay Gangadia
2. Parth Raval
3. Om Vyas
4. Bhumika
5. Devang Khatri
We concluded the event with delicious catering provided by Vijay Singh and are grateful for the generous sponsorship from Dr. Swati Chhapan, Mayur Mehta from Mumbai, and Dharmistha Patel from U.S.A.

We cherish the idea that “Disability does not mean disconnection. It showcases unique abilities unseen in others.”

Thank you all for your support and participation.

Warm regards,
Hope Charitable Trust

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