Author: Hope Charitable Trust (Hope Charitable Trust)

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Om Lad

Om Lad

A 31-year-old individual with Down Syndrome has been successfully employed by a
multinational company based in Ahmedabad

Rajvi Ghosalia

Rajvi Ghosalia

We are thrilled to welcome a remarkable addition to our team - a 32 year old, talented and
dynamic girl with 80% Cerebral Palsy, over 7 years of HR experience

Labdhi Daftary

Labdhi Daftary

A seasoned and talented 37-year-old professional, with years of experience and a dynamic

Manan Vyas

Manan Vyas

A highly skilled and motivated 25-year-old man has secured a position in one of the leading
multinational construction companies in Ahmedabad.

Meet Raisinghani

Meet Raisinghani

A highly talented and dynamic 38-year-old gentleman has been employed at one of
Ahmedabad's top digital IT companies

Farukh Mansuri

Farukh Mansuri

An enthusiastic and dynamic 34-year-old man has secured a position at one of the top
automobile industries in Ahmedabad

Julie Rathod

Julie Rathod

A young, ambitious and motivated woman, aged 27, has recently secured a position in one of
the top retail silver jewellery industries in Ahmedabad.

Mehbub Mansuri

Mehbub Mansuri

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to our team, a 34-year-old dynamic and
enthusiastic individual who has recently been employed at one of the leading automobile
industries in Ahmedabad.

Mohsin Vohra

Mohsin Vohra

Celebrating a milestone achievement! A dynamic and enthusiastic individual has secured
employment with one of the leading automobile industries in Ahmedabad.

Pooja Jigesh Shah

Pooja Jigesh Shah

A talented and motivated 23-year-old woman has recently joined the team of a prestigious
natural flavored honey manufacturing company, bringing her dynamic and enthusiastic energy
to the workplace.